New appointment
Note: If your meeting involves several people, use the + to indicate the number of people concerned.
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Civil status certificates
Parental travel authorisation - 10 min.
Id card / Residence card & PIN code
Certificate / Certified copy / Legalisation of signature
Change (name, first name, gender)
Digital key - 10 min.
Deaths / Cemetery
Extract from the criminal record - 10 min.
Anticipated formalities related to the death
Marriage / Legal cohabitation
Birth / Recognition
Passport & Refugee travel document
Driving licences
Sponsorship for tourists (annex 3bis) and students (annex 32) - 20 min.
Next step
Parental travel authorisation

Necessary documents :

- ID or residence card of the parent

- 5€


Can't find a visit reason for your request?

Please contact our reception desk so that our agents can help you choose the appropriate reason for your appointment.



Choosing the reason "Other" will not lead to the making of an appointment.

Any request sent to outside the strict framework of assistance in making appointments will not be processed.

For all your other questions, please contact the corresponding service:

Extract from the criminal record

For the appointment, bring your identity / residence card.


If you request a criminal record extract as part of a job search, please provide proof of your registration as a job seeker with ACTIRIS.



Sponsorship for tourists (annex 3bis) and students (annex 32)

Who can be a guarantor?

Any natural person who personally has sufficient resources and who holds Belgian nationality, or who is authorised or permitted to reside in Belgium for an unlimited period of time, may be a guarantor.

The Belgian national must have their main residence in Belgium.

A third-country national authorised to stay in Belgium for a limited period of time (A or H card) cannot be a guarantor.